I love working with other creatives, please feel free to contact me with the service of interest in the email title to info@simplycashhacks.com to discuss any of the following:
Sponsored Work:
For companies that would like a feature post on SimplyCashHacks.Com, please include your budget and post idea for review. My rate card will be included in my response.
Freelance Writing Work:
If your enquiry is a request to have an article piece written for you, please send your request via email and include your budget and the idea for the article.
Guest Posting:
For bloggers that would like to gest post on SimplyCashHacks.Com, please email your proposed blog idea for review. Between 1500-2000 is the expected word count for all approved guest posts.
For enquires regarding me guest posting on your website, please include your idea and website statistics in your email.
Blog Post Enquiries:
If you have any enquiries regarding any of the posts featured on SimplyCashHacks.Com, please do not hesitate to email me at info@simplycashhacks.com.