Best WordPress Plugins For Blogs

best wordpress plugins

Wondering what are the best wordpress plugins? Firstly not only is blogging a great way to express your creative side and clear your mind. But as the world becomes more aware of how profitable blogging as a business is. More people are turning to blogging to achieve a part time and even a full time […]

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Aldi Deals – Halloween Special

Aldi Deals

Aldi deals! Definitely like catnip for every money conscious parent and budgeting student. With Halloween around the corner whether you’re a regular or new to being frugal. You’ll be searching for how to enjoy Halloween without a grisly surprise when you check your bank balance after. Like all holiday seasons, it’s easy when getting into […]

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How to save money on your bills

How to save money on your bills

Bills! We all know bills are expensive. The majority of us start on the journey of side hustles to free ourselves from these ever increasing pesky things that often seem to pop up out of nowhere. But as we increase our side hustles, it only makes sense for us to look into ways to decrease […]

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Get cashback now with Quidco


Quidco is my absolute favourite cashback website, and I’m not the only one as Quidco is currently the UK’s number one cashback company with over 8 million members since establishing in 2005. It’s no surprise why when the company boasts working with over 4,500 retailers and an average member annual earning of over £300. What’s […]

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Work from home as a software tester

Software Tester

What is a software tester? Software testers work with developers during the deployment and development stage of developing software for quality assurance. The role of a software tester role is to ensure that the software the developers have created, is indeed fit for the intended purpose. Carrying out various tests to ensure prior to release […]

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Make Money Quickly With Oh My Dosh

So you’re desperately in need of some dosh? We’ve all been there where we’ve discovered our budget might not stretch to make ends meet at the end of the month, or a surprise emergency has come out of the blue. But whilst there are a variety of ways to make money online, often this involves […]

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Rich On A Budget: Secret Sales

There is no way that I could do my rich on a budget series without mentioning this fantastic sales website. Secret Sales houses various luxury designer brands for up to 80% off the retail price. This doesn’t just include menswear and women’s wear, but you’ll also find discounted home, kids, tech and beauty products too. […]

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Get Paid To Review Websites

Get paid to review websites? Yes you definitely read the title correctly; you can certainly get paid to review websites. There is a lot of money to be made online and this is another one that you can do between Netflix breaks. This is one of the side hustles that I have done the longest. […]

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Multi Level Marketing: Money Maker Or Scam

Multi-level marketing is…? Commonly known as direct selling, multi level marketing (MLM) defines a system, in which a web of distributors sells services or goods. With social media and technology being a way of life, the majority of us have become more than accustomed to seeing posts from friends celebrating this amazing new product. You […]

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