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Life after college can be an exciting prospect, especially if you recently graduated. You are all excited about landing a good job and sorting out your life. However, according to a study by the University of Washington, the reality is that most students are likely to secure employment within at least three to six months after graduation. For this reason, you need to increase your financial literacy together with many money-saving techniques to go through the waiting period without sinking deep into debt. Wondering how to go about it? Here are top tips to try out.
Master the art of budgeting
A budget is vital for saving some money and avoiding debt, whether you’re employed or not. It also puts you in control of your spending and helps you prioritize your expenses. While creating a budget is prudent, you’ll want to be practical about it to avoid overspending. You can start by accessing the money you have, as it gives you an idea of how your budget should be. You may also want to allocate more funds to your needs and suspend your wants until you’re more financially stable.
Live within your means
If you’re yet to secure a job after college, it’s advisable to spend less than or equal your budget each month. While it might cause you to forgo certain luxuries, you’ll realize that it’s a worthwhile habit in the long run. It will keep you out of debt while setting you up for a life of financial freedom and security. One way to go about it is to shop with the exact amount you need to avoid overspending. It would also be best not to compare yourself to others and go through life at your pace. With time, you’d have saved up more money to enjoy the luxuries you crave.
Limit your credit card use
Although credit cards come with benefits such as safety from fraudulent activities, you can spiral into debt should you use them irresponsibly. While they can give you a sense of financial freedom, they still incur debt that can hurt your finances in the future. Additionally, they encourage impulse buying, which can render your budget invalid. For these reasons, you may want to stop making purchases with credit cards. If you have to use them, you should use less than 30% of your available credit. You may also pay your total balance each month on time and avoid taking out a cash balance. It will also help to make most of your purchases with cash.
Pay your bills on time
It’s prudent to pay your bills on time, as forgoing them can result in additional charges and cause damage to your credit ratings. It will help to list down your monthly bills and attach the amount needed to sort them out. You may also determine the due time for payment each month so that you prepare ahead for it. Besides, you can set up an automated payment plan if you want to save yourself the stress of doing it manually.
Saving some money for yourself while waiting for a job might be challenging, but it’s possible. Hopefully, these tips will make your transition from a student to a financially independent person easier.