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What is meditation?
Meditation classes? Ok first let’s talk about what meditation even is. Meditation is a method of training the mind to develop a better sense of self-awareness and perspective. Learning to observe your thoughts and feelings, without judgment. Which allows for a better understanding of your thoughts and feelings. This is why meditation is a great method to maintain a healthy state of mind through obtaining peace. Particularly when dealing with stressful, anxiety provoking situations, past or present.
Meditation is no different than learning any other skill. The more you learn and practice, the better you will get at doing it. So this is why attending meditation classes are beneficial.
What are the benefits of meditation?
Meditation has been practiced for roughly 3,000 years. It has also been scientifically proven to provide health benefits. The mindfulness technique can even be used to help with insomnia. This is because it relaxes the body, places you in a peaceful mood whilst removing tension.
Whilst meditation can help you to get a better night sleep, starting the day by meditating can also help you to be more productive at work. Allowing you to better concentrate on and manage tasks throughout the day, by having a clearer mind. This is a must for anyone that lives a busy lifestyle and requires little commitment. Children have even been known to get involved so for all the busy parents out there you could make meditation a family activity.
What can I expect at meditation classes?
The great thing about meditation is that you don’t need any prior experience or have to meet any physical requirements to start. You can schedule to attend your classes as little or as often as you want, which is great for fitting the classes around family life and work.
So how can I save money on meditation classes?
The ultimate way to save money is to get what you want for free right? I’ve found a range of free meditation classes available on the Eventbrite website! The most popular meditation classes on offer in London at the moment is with The Buddhist Society. Using a website like Eventbrite to find free classes is perfect because it provides you with an easy way to compare offers available, research what the offer includes and ensure it’s easily accessible to your location. Whilst you won’t be able to attend such classes for a while due to the lockdown, there is another way you can learn or continue to enjoy meditation if you’re already familiar with the practice. This is with the app Headspace.
Headspace is a fantastic tool to learn mindfulness techniques. With a strong army of over 60 million subscribers, it’s easy to see why Headspace is so popular. Providing subscribers with a new meditation video and inspiring story daily, a range of guided exercises and videos. Currently available to download through Google Play and through the App Store.
The best part is that it’s currently offering a free trial to new subscribers. So you’re saving money straight away. After the free trial you can either pay £49.99 for an annual subscription, with 2 weeks free and works out to be £4.17 a month. Or you can pay £9.99 monthly and you’ll get a week free. A key benefit that Headspace has to offer is being able to use the app on your phone. This not only makes Headspace perfect for busy bees during usual times, but it’s especially ideal for everyone during this current pandemic.
That’s it!
So I hope this blog post has been really helpful during a time when we’re surrounded by so much uncertainty. Using an app like Headspace allows you to try out meditating for free and take care of your mental health during lockdown. Without having to leave the house. So it’s a win all round. In the future you may decide that you’d prefer to attend meditation classes in person. Whilst it won’t be possible to attend the classes in person just yet, it’s great for your mental health to set healthy goals to aspire to undertake when it is possible. Which it will be possible as this will pass. So whilst we remain under quarantine for the time being, use this time to research meditation and give it a try for free. Stay safe and stay indoors!
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