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Yoga teacher training courses are notoriously as expensive as they are popular. But first lets touch on what yoga actually is. Originating in India, yoga is an ancient exercise that was first practiced over 5,000 years ago. Since then, yoga has been practiced across the globe. The postures carried out during the exercise form combines flexibility, strength and breathing to enhance mental and physical health. Regularly practicing yoga has also been found to be beneficial against heart disease and high blood pressure. As well benefiting against physical pains such as backache, stress and depression. Another benefit of regularly practicing yoga is improved balance. Currently in the UK alone there are between 300,000 and 460,000 people that practice yoga.
Why would I want to train in yoga?
Currently there are over 10,000 yoga teachers in the UK. The yoga industry in itself was worth over £875 million in 2018, which was an increase in value from 2017 by 2.1%. Over the past year, 5% of the country has spent money on yoga, online fitness or a training service.
So looking at how the industry has grown and the number of instructors providing yoga based services in the country. Tells us that despite being an ancient exercise that has already made it’s way across the globe. The exercise form is still increasingly popular, with room for further growth. So by training to become a yoga teacher, you’ll be entering an industry that would allow you to provide a range of services, including online fitness. Which we know is something of interest to the public, your future clientele base. But yet the yoga industry is still not over saturated with instructors.
What is the yoga teacher training process like?
Generally the cost to train to become a yoga teacher is roughly between £1,000 and £3,000. The price of the course can also be influenced by where you study and what level qualification you are aiming for. In terms of the length of time that it will take for you to complete the training course. On average you’ll be required to complete either a 200 or 500-hour course. It can take between three to five months on average to complete a 200-hour course. Completing a 500-hour course has an average completion time of between six months to one year.
Commitment level to the course is a key factor to how long completing the course will take each individual. Outside influences, such as requiring childcare or being in full time employment. Can affect commitment ability. Most courses will also require you to have been practicing yoga for a specific amount of time. But whether this is a requirement and for how long will be specified in the course entry requirements.
So how can I save money on my yoga teacher training?
HFE are leading providers in the UK for fitness courses, qualifications and training. Upon successful completion of HFE courses, graduates have gone onto working with Pure Gym, Virgin Active and more. The yoga teacher courses are internationally recognised qualifications. They are also fully approved by the professional body, Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity (CIMSPA). Approved also by the Register of Exercise Professionals (REPs). There are three yoga instructor career packages available. Which are the essentials, specialist and advanced package. Each package ranges from £995 to £1625. There are no entry requirements for any of the courses and they take 10-18 weeks to complete. Importantly, the essentials package includes a 14-day money back guarantee. Excitingly, all three packages can be paid monthly with HFE’s 0% interest free payment plans. The payment plans range from £114 per month to £168 per month.
Last thoughts
If you’re an avid yoga fan, making the decision to turn your hobby into a career is a great example of making money by doing something that you genuinely love. This year has taught us how important it is to invest your time. In doing what makes you happy. But that doesn’t mean that following your dreams should cost you an unreasonable financial amount. Especially not when there are ways to save money on your training. Without it affecting the standard of the course and ultimately the qualification that you’ll receive at the end. I hope this post encourages anyone that was considering signing up for yoga teacher training. Also that it inspires people that may not have even considered it before. Wish you all good luck on your studies!
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